Koning Willem I college

The students of Koning Willem I College seem to have some difficulties with throwing away their trash. They litter all over campus. So we presented them with a series of new trash cans and a challenge. Because throwing away your trash, how hard can it be?

The campaign features posters and 5 video’s that are shown in school and around the campus. We challenge the students to enter a contest with their personal video. Because we know they can do better!

The campaign was also featured in the NOS ‘zomercolumn’ (in Dutch).


reversed psychology

Telling young adults what to do or what not to do, is never a good idea. But challenging them, and telling them they probably can’t do something (fun!) turned out to be super effective. The campus has never looked cleaner 😎


Comité 4 en 5 Mei


De Bovengrondse